e x i f u s e

A Photo Management REPL

Exifuse is a small command line tool that aims to help you manage your photos. It lets you

  • explore large numbers of photos in arbitrary folder hierarchies at the speed of your fingertips: filter by any file attribute, inspect EXIF data with tab completion, create summary stats..
  • curate your library: easily find and safely remove duplicates, identify circular symbolic links, and of course nuke those pesky "DS_Store" files..
  • organize the chaos: run arbitrary commands on all or some of your photos, make backups, create views with your desired folder structure using zero-disk-space hardlinks..
  • extend its functionality on the fly: simply write custom functions and apply them immediately, modify Exifuse's code itself, import your favourite function recipes from a text file..
In short: wrestle back control over your own files!

Exifuse is cross-platform and should run on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Windows WSL. It fuses Julia's versatile REPL, expressive pipeline syntax and comfy opt-in type safety with the industry-leading exiftool.

To see Exifuse in action, have a look at the use cases below. To install and test-drive it, or for tutorials, background motivation, and the nitty-gritty, go read the docs.

github.com/umlet/exifuse       info@umlet.com       @twumlet

New in 0.1 ALPHA: REPL ++ exify ++ de-duplicate ++ hardlink views ++ file entries

Ideas and Examples

Exifuse uses the command line - the Julia REPL - to browse and inspect large number of files. Let's try to pinpoint when we stole our Canon kit:

Exifuse is still in ALPHA - there will be many moving parts. Install/setup is involved. Docs are partially ahead and partially behind the code.

To find out how it works and how to install and test-drive it, read the docs.

2023+ :: MIT License